LIMITED EDITION – Nicaragua Seasonal Coffee Beans 250g



Taste Notes
Dark Chocolate, Marzipan, Citrus Fruits, Cherry
3 / 5

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Nicaragua Matagalpa

MATAGALPA, OFI This exquisite Nicaraguan microlot is made from 100% Caturra beans, which are grown by 500 small-scale farmers in the Matagalpan region. Many of these family run farms have been passed down through generations. Ofi (the coffee producer) is deeply integrated throughout the supply chain, establishing a credit programme which subsidises 80% of farmers’ production costs. This allows them to purchase vital farm inputs and invest in more sustainable practices. As a result, farmers are able to increase their productivity and meet requirements for certification programmes that earn them premiums. Over the last 4 years, the programme has allowed these farmers to earn, on average, 10% above market value for their coffee. Known for their sunny disposition and strong community ties, these farmers add a unique and rich context to their coffees story. This supply chain also holds RFA certification, guaranteeing sustainable and responsible farming practices. Matagalpa, nestled in the mountainous north-central region of Nicaragua, features altitudes between 1,200 and 1,600 meters above sea level. This elevation alongside the rich volcanic soil, tropical climate, and mountainous terrain conditions provide an ideal environment for coffee cultivation, promoting slower cherry ripening and efficient coffee bean development. It is an ideal location for dry mill facilities due to its optimal microclimate between Matagalpa and Sebaco, making it home to the majority of the country's dry mills. Nicaraguan farmers will process coffee on their own farms usually comprised of 10+ hectares. Coffee cherries are hand-picked from sunrise until 3pm. Pickers bring all of the cherries back to the farms’ wet mill where it is weighed and pulped. The beans are left to ferment aerobically - no water overnight for 12-18 hours depending on the farm’s altitude and ambient conditions. Coffee is then sun-dried for 9-11 days until the moisture content reaches 11.5%, making this Caturra one of the most versatile sought-after coffee varieties on the market. This specific Nicaraguan Matagalpa coffee offers a rich profile, featuring dark chocolate and the zesty brightness of citrus fruits, reminiscent of a chocolate orange. Subtle cherry undertones and a hint of marzipan add depth and a touch of sweetness to this complex and satisfying brew, balancing acidity with sweetness perfectly.




1200 - 1600 MASL






Washed & Sundried

Taste Notes

Dark Chocolate, Marzipan, Citrus Fruits, Cherry


3 / 5

Additional information

Charity of Choice

Motor Neurone Disease Association (MND), Balls to Cancer, Two Rivers Community Pantry, Dogs Trust, Forget Me Not Childrens Hospice, Jerry Green Dog Rescue, Dovehouse Hospice, Emmaus UK, Kidney Cancer UK, Jessie's Fund, No Donation


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